Use imported optical components, good beam quality, high efficiency of Electro-optic conversion.
HD200/200W/200Pro HD300/300W/400W
The HD plasma cutting system achieves exceptional consumable life, impressive cutting speed and ultimate cutting quality. Designed for heavy duty, high capacity CNC plasma cutting and gouging The HD series delivers reliable performance across a wide range of industrial application.
Excellent Cutting Performance TOPWELL HD series plasma system provides faster cutting speed to maximize productivity. The cutting speed of dross free can reach 1000mm/min for 25mm mild steel. With water spray cutting process, the stainless steel and aluminum cutting will be less warping and produce a small heat-affected zone to minimize high-cost secondary operations. Designed with 100% duty cycle for the most demanding production environments. Designed and tested as the TOPWELL HD series product for superior reliability in the most demanding cutting environments.
Long-life Consumables Consumables -12mm mild steel -200A Air / Air -20s duration The number of consumable starts can reach more than 500 times (ISO9013 Range 2). 500 800 1200 Range2 Range4 Range5 - User friendly control system, simple and intuitive operation interface Easy to install, easy to operate, easy to maximize performance - Digital control, and advanced diagnostics simplify troubleshooting and service TOPWELL HD series plasma systems deliver the industry's best precision cutting on carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum
Long Life Consumables